The entity of life: living is leaving our simple ways behind.
Yet life is a process that we must be on a progressing state.
"Your achievements/victories before cannot sustain your present life".

I have encountered a woman named FOLLY, and FYI, she loves the simple!
Therefore I can assume that simplicity is not beauty!
Simplicity is an imperilment.
It gives us a mindset to settle.
It pulls us down, it is an enemy called satisfaction!
It is a barrier for growth..

We all know that growth is intentional, no one grows by itself. 
Embrace discipline: read books, exercise, donate blood,
write a song, a poem or a book, give cake to someone, 

water the plants, bear-hug your mom, run a marathon with your dad,
 treat your siblings, go to church, join cell groups. 

Life is coupled with hardships and challenges.
Challenges are directly proportional to time, as the year increases,
the greater are the challenges. So leave your simple ways behind.
move on, move forward.

Leave your simple ways behind, and begin to live;
(Proverbs 9:6)

The woman named FOLLY is brash. She is ignorant and doesn’t know it....
She calls out to men going by:
Come in with me,” she urges the simple
(Proverbs 9:13-16)


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