Second Chance (FULL VERSION)
Hi, my name is Peter. I'm writing an article about my testimony on how Jesus Christ changed my life. Not just about changing my life but giving life to the fullest. Now let me tell you first in my life before knowing Christ. I grew up in a Christian family but not totally with a deep understanding of Who God is, without any deep relationship with Him. I go to Church regularly because my mom tells me to. When I went to high school, I entered the world of vices (smoking, drinking, and even drugs). At first, it was all fun for me. Then it became my hobby. I never thought that I was already addicted to it. I was a significant influence in my school at that time. I guess all my friends (close friends) are involved in vices because of me. Then I was interested in lustful things, like pornographic materials, and got into the wrong relationships. I was in prison for almost one day because of vandalism. I used to go home late or sometimes never. I was a drunkard and never realized that I ...