Plastic Waste Segregation Machine Using Sink Float Method
ABSTRACT Today, economic growth and changing consumption and production patterns result a rapid increase in generation of waste plastics in the world. According to studies, the world’s annual consumption of plastic materials has increased from around 5 million tonnes in the 1950s to nearly 100 million tonnes, thus twenty (20) times more plastic is produced today than 50 years ago. This is an implication of using more resources to meet the increased demand of plastic while generating more plastic waste. Having this implication, the research team designed and fabricated a machine, segregating plastics out of mix waste from CIT-University. Based on research, around 30% of the garbage collected inside the campus is plastic waste. This is essential to develop a plastic-waste separating system that would help the promotion of recycling plastics and in order to avoid environmental deterioration through reusing materials whose composition enables their recovery. The system is composed ...